The Arbeitswelt portal includes numerous seminars from the ArbeitsweltAkademie, as well as cloud-based workstations and services that support day-to-day work. The online seminar subscription as a season ticket for current specialist lectures from Arbeitswelt, including AI-supported cloud services that support daily work practice.

  • Arbeitswelt-Akademie: Current special seminars

    Benefit from a large selection of over 150 different topics in the world of work and attend exactly the events that will enable you to meet your specific daily challenges.

  • MyWorkplace

    Your MyWorkplace is personalized for you and can be used as a digital Office365 workstation if required, so that you can develop personally, network in compliance with data protection and data security requirements and automate your processes individually.

  • Services

    Our working world portal offers you a solution for all challenging situations in your role. Collaboration with experts from the world of work who can support your personal challenges in line with the situation.

  • Academy subscription

    Choose the right training courses from 300 different courses in the basic version.

    € 120/month

    ✓ Includes 12 online compact seminars per year.

    ✓ 30% discount on all other seminars

  • Academy Plus subscription

    Choose the right training from 300 courses and use the Arbeitsweltportal.

    € 230/month

    ✓ 12 online compact seminars per year & 30% discount on all other seminars

    ✓ MyWorkplace and services included

    ✓ Chat support from speakers, lawyers and consultants

  • Academy Team Subscription

    Choose the right training from 300 courses and use the Arbeitswelt portal as a team.

    by arrangement

    ✓ 12 online compact seminars per year, 30% discount on all other seminars plus 1 conference

    ✓ Working world portal as a virtual machine and AI and automation options

    ✓ Chat support from lawyer & consultant